A note to Digsby developers: Fix file transfers

Re: Digsby Blog - Striving for Perfection

No Gtalk File Transfer = No Perfection.

In order to revolutionize chat, Digsby must create a working file transfer solution for Gtalk.

Trillian, Meebo, Adium. Many have attempted and many have Failed to answer the call for cross-protocol Instant File Sharing. Some more miserably than others.

Whoever can bridge this gaping abyss of connectivity in the age of Twitter Tweets, Facebook Like, Link Sharing, and Youtubes, will claim the Cup of Innovation.

Digsby Must Innovate.

In the age when Google has abandoned their own Desktop chat client in favor of developing in-browser video chat, We the Young and Intelligent are in dire straits indeed.

Those who know how to take a screen-shot are Crying out for the ability to share images through their chat programs.

Those who know we can drag and drop a file attachment into Gmail in a browser window - what amenities are possible! - know acutely that Something Is Wrong With Chat.

As I have suggested previously, if all else fails, the chat program should serve as a drag-and-drop shortcut for directly emailing a file to someone. That way, if your friend is using browser GTalk, they're in GMail already and will receive the file immediately.

Digsby Must Fix File Transfers.

One ResponseLeave a Reply

  1. Hey Matt, caught your comment on our blog as well. Thought I'd reply here too, GTalk file transfers are a bit complex but we're definitely working on improving how we handle them. Definitely like your suggestion as well, will see how they may fit in Digsby

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